escrito por Andrei Iuroaia en 1 de Agosto de 2014 a las 00:00

Pr Nebavec community - near Litjia, Slovenia

Pr Nebavec is a community permaculture farm where 3 people live permanantly and many guests and friends visit and participate. They have several permaculture gardens and have organized the whole estate to function in this way. Being virtually self sufficient food wise they spent very little money and actually have a common pot where all of them contribute. There are also other alternative living projects in the extended are with which they are connected and they also collaborate with the neghbours from the village offering their permaculture skills especially. we exchanged seeds and skills like food preservation and permaculture tips and tricks with them. They also organize workshops and trainings for different people so that the social aspect of permaculture is cherished. If you want to experience this place you will be received with warmth, good fresh food and the soft joyful atmosphere of this part of rural Slovenia. there is also much to learn and they are looking for new members and skilled guests. they are open for gift economy and interconnection so don't think twice. next stop - Romania.

