Únete a un recorrido por la comunidad!

Excursión Descripción
CERES Global
Arriving in Athens on the evening of the 17th of September, the group will stay overnight in the capital before heading to rural, mountainous, and coastal regions of Greece visiting a number of alternative lifestyle communities, gaining an understanding of their activities, challenges, and ideas for the future. This first CERES Global trip is intended as an introduction to a number of communities, and will likely be around 8 people. The group will communicate their insights and share their experiences with the wider CERES Global community as a follow up to the engagement.

More info: http://www.ceres.org.au/global/greece
Communibee 1
Communibee 1
We are a single entity connected to a collective conciousness. We need our fellow communibees to collaborate with us to survive..
So we are flying between communities to cross-pollinate and bring new ideas and projects into their world. You are welcome to join us! We also have a bus!
Communibee 2
Communibee 2
This time the Bee went to Portugal, visiting communities in France and Spain on the way.
Comunidad Rodante
Comunidad Rodante
The “Comunidad Rodante” is a nomadic community of like-minded people, from across the face of this fair planet, traveling overland looking for alternative projects, communities, eco-villages and agents of change, with which we can integrate the generating of bilateral growth.

Attending to the needs of the place where we are based and accommodate to the human and material resources which we have together.

The collective itself offers an endless number of opportunities for the places it passes through to benefit from.

We also run daily internal workshops, exchanging our personal skills and experiences, with which we can share the knowledge we already have with all our travelling sisters and brothers. Allowing us all to have even more in which we can share with the world in the future.

These workshops will also be on offer to the local communities in which we are visiting, giving us the opportunity to share our knowledge in teaching alternatives to conventional building methods and techniques for ways to live lighter on the earth, with our life’s primary mission to be leaving a better world for the next generation to enjoy.

Our next tour will be in Colombia and South America in 2016 !!!

Family Caravan Italy
Family Caravan Italy
We are a small family consisting of mother Freja (Danish, 30), father Roberto (Italian, 28) and our little son Willow (2) who are seeking some beautiful travel-life experiences, community and farm life inspiration and finally a place to call home!
We have lived the last 1½ year in the north of Italy in a small house with a bit of land that we have cultivated - experimented with permaculture, biodynamic gardening and keeping chickens and raising ducks from eggs.
Now we are seeking more experience from more established farmers and also seeking community and playmates for our son and our selves!
Weleft our house after the harvest in late summer and went to Sicily and from here we will go slowly north through Italy, mainly going between eco-villages and communities, but also stopping in nature spots and maybe a few cities.
It would be nice to join up with other people with children, but also any other traveler who feels like coming along!
We travel in a camper van (we have legal space for 3 more people while driving, but sleeping space a bit more difficult) and we will sustain ourselves by playing music on the street, selling and exchanging handmade crafts and jewellery and doing work exchange.
Gemeinschafts-Forschung-Tour 2022
Ab Mitte Mai bin ich auf Gemeinschafts-Forschungs-Tour, um so meinem Wunsch vom Leben in Gemeinschaft näher zu kommen.
Ich bin mit meinem Camper unterwegs und möchte in den einzelnen Gemeinschaften für etwa drei Wochen bleiben und mich vorort einbringen.
Ich habe für mich Themenbereich abgesteckt, auf welche ich meinen Blick in den Gemeinschaften legen werde.
Meine Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse möchte ich gerne mit andere Menschen teilen, weshalb ich hier davon berichten werde.
GEN-Estonia to GEN 2019 conference
GEN-Estonia to GEN 2019 conference
Mini tour to "Kulturelle Landpartie im Wendland"
Who is interested to visit some communities in "Wendland"?
We are planning to go there
from Thursday 21st or Friday, the 22nd until Monday, the 25th of May
during the cultural festival "Kulturelle Landpartie".
There is no bus yet, but we are three people so far.
Any interested people are welcome to join and any vehicles welcome to transport us ; )
Permakultur Aktion Tour
Permakultur Aktion Tour
---------I DO NOT HAVE A BUS----------

I travel for 7 years through las americanas..from Vancouver all the way down to Panama City by land(Mexico 2.5 Years), Guatemala, Niccaragua, Costa Rica half Year, now Panama...inbetween California, Montreal Europe...Many parts I hitchhike even twice and always work with communities along the way...I guess I hitch around 30000 km at this point:-) 2013 bin ich 6 Monate mit einer Pferdekarawane gereist(20 Menschen und 20 Pferde:-), eine der grössten reisenden Communities, die ich kennen und lieben lernen durfte:-) I want to be able to come back to Germany and help the process of transformation there. I do own 2 big Yurts (www.nomadixgear.com) one Legion and one Explorer...the Explorer is my "house" and the Legion "OUR" Living room. This GOME system is the best to travel with a bus and be able to hold workshopspace EVERYwhere or And support tribal living/ nomadic/ gypsy...whatever u call it...Life in a a very good way.

Please check out and support
!!!!!!!!! Gofundme.com/oneTribe !!!!!!!!!

I want to come to Germany around June this year and I am looking for someone/somebus/some small group who wants to manifest a beautiful tour through DLand, Skandinvien, Poland, Tschek, and Romania Croatia eventually more east...depends in the end of the vision of the manifesting group. To spread community awareness, Nutritionworkshop, Heart Song Circles, Kirtan, Living off the grid, alternative building, Permaculture Design(I accomplish my PermacultureDesignCourse May 2014), Holding Sacred fire and healing Space in Transformational festivals, Soundhealing, Yoga , Meditation and work with all kinds of plant medicinas:-) WHOever feels a call to connect and COcreate on that vision. I would really need a Bus. I do not have any more "Base" in Germany and not using my bank for quite a while. Living good life in centralamerica. Working fruitfarms and not using Money much. I would love to come back and share what I learned, and only want to stay for 2-4 Month(end April/May- Juli/August) depending on what the vision will look like.

---------I DO NOT HAVE A BUS----------

Love Light Om Namaste Boom!:-)
Portugal Communities
Hi friends
I am looking for a tour through Portugal's communities.
Is there somebody in Portugal who would like to go on tour with me and has a car?
I don't have a car.
Please feel free to contact me. I am close to Lagos at the moment.
I also have whatsapp 0041 77 434 00 90 send me a message.
I am in Portugal in Mai 2018. Join me!
Senor Franz the Bumblebee
We are driving from south Germnay to the Danube CC in Aurora, Romania, passing through Austria, Slovenia, Hungary and of course Romania.

We have a Bus and a small car, lots of skills and we are documenting :)

We are intending to go to an Ecovillage in Slovenia and 2 more in romania and possibly hungary. We are also going to be at the Rainbow gathering in romania on the 8th and then Aurora community.
still 2 Go 2Gether eco (starting project(s:-)  tours 2016,2017
still 2 Go 2Gether eco (starting project(s:-) tours 2016,2017
connecting friends with land and learn from them by helping / visiting.

! networking ! looking for places to participate there or in the area.
tour 0 (explore set up base camp (s) networking

Winter 2015-2016 /Spring

North europe & possible also another tour in the south (but that one i dont manage ! only help where possible !

Focus on ! smaller area's ! tour

tour 1a (AUTUMN 2016);
15 september 2016 - 15 november 2016 south FRANCE - North SPAIN

tour 1b (WINTER 2016-2017): 15 november 2016 - 10 march 2017
PORTUGAL north -center AND south spain.

PLANNING asia tour 2 months Nepal (north india)

SUMMER 2017 North europe

Last tour 2: WINTER 2016-2017;
15 december 2016 - 10 march 2017

2018 january welcome at our new SECOND winter Nomad place in the world somewhere !
do you know also more places ? suggestions

do you have 1-2 weeks time, give us a message then 3-4 weeks before ! thanks.
even if you like to meet us for 2-3 days.

connected with the gift (economy) society
nomadbase http://nomadbase.org/

and please spread the word of this event on your profile/groups

(welcome there now already) know a forrest in souh france
from other friend (s) with eco dome s in south spain 5 hectares they are looking for managers volunteers partipants

and our own base is in north lower austria

Nieder Osterreich 80-90 north west of vienna; beautifull national park there border of czech
i am still looking for house sitters there (7-8 months a year starting from October 2015 - June 2016

see also

Hi, my name is Sandro :)

After finishing my studies in "Management of Social Innovations", I didn't want to start into the "normal" big city life, so I put some of my things in a little trolley and started a journey by foot . I wanted to find a way of living that is sustainable, connected to nature and a community of people, and that at the same time makes me happy (That's how I came up with the name: Sustainability + happy = SustainHAPPYlity ;) ...which is also the name of my blog www.sustainHAPPYlity.de - unfortunately right now just in German...)

Since my start from Munich in May 2014 I've visited many different community projects and projects in the field of self sufficiency in Bavaria and Austria and am totally amazed about my learnings and experiences. It wasn't always easy but also the hard parts had some value and helped me growing...

After a pretty intense and demanding time at a community project in the winter of 2014/2015 I changed my strategy and now have kind of a base camp in Austria from where I visit projects in Austria by train and bus. I'm also thinking about travelling to countries in the south and south-west of Europe, but haven't done that yet.

I'm also already building on my next transport vehicle, which will be a super-lightweight caravan that I can carry with an e-bike. I hope it will work :)

AND!: I'm also making a film right now about the last one and a half years of my journey, for which I'm still searching for support!
More information and a small trailer you can find here: www.startnext.com/ZuFuss-ZumWir-ZuMir
I would like to cross europe from Belgium, France, Spain till south of Portugal, i want to visit a lot of comunety's, starting from 1december 2015, I also have travelpartner with me, its a medium sized dog, he is is verry calm in the car, i don't have a car
Vision Caravan
The Caravan aims to
* inspire, encourage and spread existing and emerging visions and ideas for a sustainable future
* share skills and knowledge in the areas of community and peace-building, technology, economics, ecology, the arts, to name a few
look for solutions to pressing problems in a systemic and holistic way
* foster friendships and networks in real time with real people, to listen and to share.
West european november tour
Hi, I'm aiming to visit some communities in the south of France, then travel to Tamera, Portugal.
Beginning the 15th of November ending around the 15th of december. I planed to see some communities on the road, but I'm still open to creativity, suggestions...

I'm realising a movie documentary, so I'll do a reportage also. I intend to spread wide a new spirituality, a natural and non-dogmatic one.
See my profile for more info.
I'm also starting a community project in France...

my languages are : French / English
2 persons can come...
