

Amelie and I (Anthony) had a beautiful dream. Along our traveling around the planet we gained experiences and idea of how we like to lead our life. We decide to create a project in Andalucia.

The community we would like to bring is to create an area that could give an example of how we could live far away from all the useless consumptions. We believe that everyone must use the closer resources as much as they can. Everyone should have a clear understanding of the wastes in any forms.

Our project is to do a place where we could teach and show the different ways to do so. We will create an Ecolodge then people from different place will teach this alternative way. We will show an ideal living through four mains points : Energy, Construction, Food and Health.

Lo que trae a esta comunidad

The idea is to collaborate with the community to create this place. It will be an exchange of knowledge and services. All will be a trade.


¿Qué se puede aprender aquí

  • techniques
  • friendship
  • teamwork
  • trust
  • working together
  • water
  • Natural-Building
  • Permaculture
  • water management
Añadir una habilidad que aprendió aquí con una reseña


  • Bio-Construction
  • Permaculture-Workshop
  • social skills
  • volunteer work
  • education
  • fun
  • food
Añadir un servicio que ofrecen con una opinión

Productos y Creaciones

  • Marmelade
  • in season vegetables
  • Vegetables
  • Crépes
Añadir un producto que usted recibió con una opinión


  • earth
  • rock


Proyectos/Sitios de Construcción

The authorization papers are ongoing. see below the different construction planned:
- Natural Swimming pool
- Permaculture Garden (multi-Zone)
- Earthbag construction
- Other type of construction with earth
- Treehouses

Expertos / Las personas con las siguientes habilidades

  • arborist - tree expert
  • renewable-energy
  • permaculture
  • free-energy
  • water-retention
  • tree-house experts
  • Electricity
  • carpenter
  • natural-building