Small scale off the grid farm in a mountainous forest, focussed on cultivating consciousness by cooperation with the natural environment, basic living, study, exercise and arts.
Main outside features are cultivation of aromatic plants (for herbal tea and remedies), orchard, livestock (sheep and chicken), vegetable garden, and space . Inside there is a library, with place to study and room to read.

Lo que trae a esta comunidad

simple living, nature, art, permaculture, dreams.


¿Qué se puede aprender aquí

  • Yoga
  • Gardening
  • Eco-construction
  • dream interpretation
  • keeping livestock
  • living off the grid
  • pruning
  • qi gong
  • wood working
  • Permaculture
  • cooking
Añadir una habilidad que aprendió aquí con una reseña


  • networking
  • permaculture design
  • advice on rural life
  • artist in residence
  • study space
Añadir un servicio que ofrecen con una opinión


*Living on the land: autarkic ideals for pragmatic people.
*Introduction to interpretation of Dreams.
*Introduction to symbolism / symbolical thinking.
*Follow your bliss: mythological undertakings for modern man.
*living dreams: symbolic interpretation of everyday life experience.
*on food and lifestyle.

Taller y factoring espacios

A porch/garage that can be used as atelier.
Outside space for physical practices.


Proyectos/Sitios de Construcción

*maintenace of garden and terrain
* building a wooden fence around the terrain to keep out hunting dogs and wild pigs, and keep in the sheep
* restoring the old waterway from the river to the farm
* building a compost toilet
* excavating the north-side of the house to prevent humidity
* restoring dry-stone walls
* building stone stairs connecting terraces
* building an oven

basically all materials are local/on site


Información adicional sobre los Materiales

We aim to use local, on site material and prefer human labour instead of motorised machinery