Fluxus is a homeland in the nature receiving creativity life force.
We magnet artists, creators, alchemists, transformers, in a together magic cauldron to find better ways of being better versions of our humanity, conscientious about our co-creation of experience.
Looking for sustainable integrative cooperative systems.

Lo que trae a esta comunidad



¿Qué se puede aprender aquí

  • connect
  • nature
  • with
Añadir una habilidad que aprendió aquí con una reseña


  • conection with local inspiring projects
  • wonderful nature!
  • abundance flow shop
Añadir un servicio que ofrecen con una opinión

Productos y Creaciones

  • abundant fruit trees and herbs
  • workshops
  • community
  • Learning
Añadir un producto que usted recibió con una opinión


Theres a monthly program available with seminars, classes, workshops, circles. Can check regularly our fb page.
Every last saturday of the month a communitary meeting and market to reinforce the local net, connect and present people, projects, arts, crafts and gifts.

Taller y factoring espacios

We are improving the building where we have all the tools and all kinds of materials


Proyectos/Sitios de Construcción

Land Artists are invited to create in areas. Creativity clears and clean the land and reuses all the organic materials.
Researchers of sustainable gardens can help us getting close of a wild forest dream at the 2ht land
We are very interested in developing our connection with food as alchemy to better relations with life force

Builders, creative and handy humans are welcome to improve the space.
Creating a wood deck to dance floor
Telepathically we call your wonderful skills that maybe can help us fix the the pump or activating the garden water system.

Organizers, communicators, photographers
Sustainability of this project is expanded with communication

Art maping project of
.trees and plants
.sustainable neighbourhood inspiring projects

Always welcome
.helpers in space maintenance
.soul vegetarian alchemists cookers
.Children lovers

Main interests:
Creativity as the relation with life
Sustainable integrative cooperative systems

Expertos / Las personas con las siguientes habilidades

  • handy
  • land artist
  • permacultor
  • creators and transformers


Información adicional sobre los Materiales

After 2 years receiving creators, volunteers and nomads, now its time to get a long term team together to continue the seeded project and the river flowing. The vision has 5 elements, each will find a place in connection with the whole. This now calling is for you if you want to take care of the land, or for you, if you want to take care of the people, or for you if you want to organize, create focus and new possibilities, or for you if you want to be not a poem anymore but poetry it self.
The best is if you have your own nomad house to be already autonomous and come for a while to feel if you want to be part of this story. There are 2 little houses that need some work to be inhabited and possibilities will blossom to get the land on a long term contract so the project get safe. 1 little house its ready to receive you.


  • tools
  • Garden

Información adicional sobre los herramientas

Mensajes de blog

Harvesting - Contact improvisation with the olive tree brides

escrito por Mama Iguana de 20 de Octubre de 2017 a las 15:55

We need each other to harvest the abundance that surround us.

Harvest togheter, cooking together, making fire together, and taking the needed solitude time to go along with Autumn inside call.

Thank you!

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