Suderbyn Ecovillage is an intentional community of open-minded people from various countries and cultures, located on the island Gotland in the middle of the Baltic Sea. All of us who live here are building the place - not only physically but also socially. In creating Suderbyn Ecovillage together, we aim to live close to nature and achieve a more sustainable lifestyle, striving for self-sufficiency in food production and renewable energy, prioritizing ecological and local materials. We question patterns of consumption, social structures and cultural stereotypes. We experiment in different areas with innovation and traditional knowledge with the attempt to create a model of healthy and happy society, enjoying the diversity of people. We work with educational projects on the local and international levels. We regenerate the connections between people and between people and nature.

Within Suderbyn, we work and create together. We grow part of our food in our garden designed according to the Permaculture principles, we develop eco-building projects, maintain car- and bicycle-pools, develop our own energy production. We promote a positive social environment of trust, friendship and diverse community. We combine simple country-side living with ecological innovations and experimental ideas.

From the Suderbyn office, we are engaged in a number of different projects spanning a range of organisations. Such projects link us to other eco-villages in regional and international networks, international volunteer schemes such as the European Voluntary Service (EVS) and Service Civil International (SCI), as well as other projects with a focus on sustainability and environmentalism.

Was bringt eure Gemeinschaft zusammen

Suderbyn does not follow any common spiritual or political conviction, we are diverse and we value our diversity. What brings us together is the dedication to grow care for nature and people, to minimise our environmental footprint and re-learn the way the society lives in order to find social connection, nature and pro-change actions giving more meaning than consumption of material goods.


Was kannst du hier lernen

  • feeling free
  • vegan cooking
  • working together
  • Natural-Building
  • Permaculture
  • Community-Building
Füge eine Fähigkeit die du hier gelernt hast dem Profil hinzu


Füge eine Dienstleistung die sie anbieten mit einer Bewertung hinzu

Produkte und Kreationen

  • biogas
  • international projects
  • jean-pain compost
  • dry compost toilets
  • wind turbine
  • vegan Food
Füge ein Produkt das du bekommen hast mit einer Bewertung hinzu


Yes, but not regularly and it is planned according to either internal (in the community) or external (groups visits) needs.

Werkstätten / Arbeitsplätze

Yes! A pretty good one ;)



Electrical work, plumbing, engineering work – always a lack of professionality in it.
Natural building experts (we have a good knowledge base and run courses, but always eager to learn more as it is a development and construction phase).

Experten/Leute mit den folgenden Fertigkeiten

  • Electricity
  • natural-building
  • roof-construction

Spezielle Bedürfnisse

Veganic permaculture, foraging, forest gardening – we know enough to share but want to learn more. Bee-keeping too!
As well professional orientation in tools for the social and personal dimension would be appreciated (dragon dreaming, possibility management, social forum, etc). It all is hoovering in the air but none of us have a professional training.