Explore our global gift-economy network

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Experiences people made in the gift-network


"best friends" Lese mehr

written for teun am 25. November 2015

"Worked with Sandro a couple of days at a Community festival Los geht's summer of 2014 at the Zwetcheken community near Zwettle Waldviertel" Lese mehr

written for Sandro am 19. November 2015

"met her many times at our emigrating meeting network days (talks" Lese mehr

written for Ladybird-ninja am 19. November 2015

Eure Geschenke halten uns am Geben! 

Wir sind ein engagiertes Team und arbeiten an der Vision eines Schenkökonomie Netzwerkes das Leute und nachhaltige Gemeinschaften verbindet - indem wir ihre Angebote und Nachfragen zusammenbringen und den Austausch von Wissen, Dienstleistungen und Ressourcen bewerkstelligen.
ecobasa gibt es seit 2011. 2014 haben wir diese Plattform neugestartet und seit dem Community-Tours und Communities-Convergences mitorganisiert. Alles basierend auf Schenkökonomie.
Um die Plattform am Laufen zu halten, brauchen wir eure Unterstützung, denn unser Business Model basiert ausschliesslich auf Schenk-Ökonomie!

Happy giving!

Letzte Blogposts

Volunteering for Global Ecovillage Network Europe European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

Volunteering for Global Ecovillage Network Europe European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

Funded volunteering: Use your enthusiasm for ecovillages and skills and live in Arterra Bizimodu ecovillage, Spain, at the heart of the European Ecovillage Network! Start date: between 1st March 2022 and 1st of April 2022 Duration: 9/10 months Places: 4 ...
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Erasmus funded youth exchange Trans Istra Eco Journey is looking for participants

Erasmus funded youth exchange Trans Istra Eco Journey is looking for participants

We will discover the beauties of Istra in a slow and environmentally friendly way. We will travel from one place to the next mostly by walking. By sharing this journey, participants will build a traveling community, taking care of each ...
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How to get started with gift economy

Tamasins personal approach on how to introduce gift-economy into your life. See the full interview with Tamasin, sharing her experiences with gift-economy here: https://youtu.be/_x4LBw9e5pY Nature is a gift-economy with Tamasin: https://youtu.be/qaWtzslZGs4 Playlist of more how to ...
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