written by Andrei Iuroaia on Aug. 5, 2014, midnight

European Rainbow Gathering, near Sacuieu Romania

We arrived at the rainbow gathering! It is really a sight to see. Around 1500 people at its peak, people from across all continents. An inspiration and impulse for Romania and an opportunity for many foreigners to connect with the gift of rural traditional culture still alive in this part of the world. .Here we met with our friends form other caravans and also with many friends form Romania, Germany, Hungary and other countries. We organized 2 workshops about the community tours where we had gift exchenges and informed people about how they can use the community tours to create a culture of collaboration through gifts and interconnection. many people and projects found ways to collaborate in the future and some people even joined us for the 2nd Danube Communities Convergence. We also exchanged gifts and seeds, books and skills. We helped in clay oven building, raised tents and teepees and also cooked with wild herbs and shared beautiful friendships. After a short stay here we split again and our caravan heads to Aurora community to prepare for the 2nd Danube Communities Convergence.

