Family Caravan Italy

Family Caravan Italy

We are a small family consisting of mother Freja (Danish, 30), father Roberto (Italian, 28) and our little son Willow (2) who are seeking some beautiful travel-life experiences, community and farm life inspiration and finally a place to call home!
We have lived the last 1½ year in the north of Italy in a small house with a bit of land that we have cultivated - experimented with permaculture, biodynamic gardening and keeping chickens and raising ducks from eggs.
Now we are seeking more experience from more established farmers and also seeking community and playmates for our son and our selves!
Weleft our house after the harvest in late summer and went to Sicily and from here we will go slowly north through Italy, mainly going between eco-villages and communities, but also stopping in nature spots and maybe a few cities.
It would be nice to join up with other people with children, but also any other traveler who feels like coming along!
We travel in a camper van (we have legal space for 3 more people while driving, but sleeping space a bit more difficult) and we will sustain ourselves by playing music on the street, selling and exchanging handmade crafts and jewellery and doing work exchange.


  • Freja Friborg Freja Friborg
    Traveller, artist, mother. I have been travelling most of my time since 2009, but since I gave birth to my son on November 2014 I have been staying steady, at the moment in Italy with my boyfriend, growing food and taking care of our son




  • Gardening
  • drawing/painting
  • arts and crafts
  • bookbinding
  • childcare
  • mothering


  • books
  • paintings
  • posters
  • murals
  • seeds
  • stickers
  • drawings


  • music
  • seeds
  • childcare
  • art
  • agriculture
  • cooking


  • connections
  • permaculture skills
  • friendships
  • share music and art

Visiting these Places

Image Name Description Time
Ciumare Ranni Jan. 17, 2017, 1:01 p.m. -
Jan. 29, 2017, 1:01 p.m.

Blog Posts

Now in Sicily

written by Freja Friborg on Jan. 20, 2017, 11:59 a.m.

Last goodbye to the family in Primiero (missing Gianni, the photographer)

About time for an update!

Finding time with computer and electricity and internet while having a boy around is not so easy after all!

So we left Primiero Valley the 27th of December after spending Christmas with family.

First stop was the Garda Lake, where we ...

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Almost ready to go

written by Freja Friborg on Dec. 5, 2016, 3:14 p.m.

Our wheat harvest :)

So now we got the camper back from the mechanic. It needed a few adjustments, but it ended up taking a bit longer than expected.
Well everything has so far taken longer than expected! But instead of stressing, now I am just enjoying the last times of actually having a house! It is getting really cold out, so its easy ...

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