website features

Sponsored by Corona: A new startpage and features!

written by Arne Bollinger on April 9, 2020, 2:33 p.m. in ecobasa

ecobasa has been a sleeping beauty the last years. Mainly because I was in baby break and could not even coordinate the volunteer requests aside my different day jobs.
As now in the crisis a few jobs have been cancelled I also have time and dedication to continue this amazing project!
It has been time for a fresh startpage that explains the main features quickly and raises more attention to our search function that enables you to crowdsource everything you ...

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website Tech

News stream & Comments

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 19, 2016, 8:11 p.m. in ecobasa

It is finally time that ecobasa receives two very known features from sites like facebook: a timeline with posts and (yes we all love them!) comments. We are just missing the likes :)

If you log in on ecobasa, you will land on your dashboard and can add the widget: detailed news. Here you can see the newest blog posts from communities, community-tours and the team of the ecobasa network. Every community and community-tour have their own blogs on their profile ...

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tech website

Wishlists for ecobasa members

written by Arne Bollinger on Jan. 24, 2016, 2:20 p.m. in ecobasa

Every member on ecobasa can now make unlimited wishes – on your ecobasa profile there is now a wishlist. If you join a Community-Tour, your wishes will appear on your tours profile, together with the wishes of other members of the tour.
Like this other people can see how to support you and your tour. You can link to them directly like this: and share this link directly with someone that wants to do you ...

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gift-economy website

Travelling Tips / Moneyless living

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 17, 2015, 12:55 p.m. in ecobasa

On the old version there was the "Alternative Ways of Living" wiki. We didn't include a wiki on this platform, because of already existing much larger wikis like Appropedia 
A user started this page and we updated it for you to help you reducing your needs for money when you are traveling on Community-Tours 
The page covers needs from transportation and accommodation to food and pocket money.

So here it is: Travelling Tips for your Community-Tours you ...

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tech website

ecobasa launched in spanish

written by Arne Bollinger on Nov. 20, 2015, 5:30 p.m. in ecobasa

***** Spanish see below *****

Now you can visit ecobasa in Spanish @

Wow, this was really an effort!
We had several volunteers who worked on the Spanish translations, but they were mostly very busy, travelling in remote places and without internet.
Fernanda, our biggest contributor was travelling in the indian jungle, copying the texts on her smartphone when she had access to internet and editing it offline, when she had some free time.
If you are familiar with ...

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